After PUBG and Fortnite, the new battle royale game “Apex Legends” is creating milestone as the game amasses 10 million players in 3 days and 25 million in just a week from Apex Legends PC, Xbox, and PS4 version. But what about the Apex Legends mobile? As the Apex Legends game is free to play for everyone, the game is setting new records and now the as the other battle royale games are very popular among users, the EA Games is planning to release Apex Legends for Android and iOS devices.
Yes, you heard it right! The new set of Titanfall universe “Apex Legends” applause by millions of people from around the world as it’s free to play for the platform and have very interesting weapons to use in the game to make new strategies. Although the Apex Legends is already available for PC, Xbox One, and PS4, the current buzz is everyone is talking about the Apex Legends mobile release date.
Well, there is no confirm a release date for Apex Legends mobile version, but CEO Andrew Wilson commented that “There are so many unique elements of Apex Legends,” he insisted. “The Respawn team has a strong plan for Apex Legends that will engage fans for a long time to come.” He also commented that “… we are looking at how to take the game to mobile and cross-play over time, and I also expect that this game will have tremendous value in Asia.”
The statement from the CEO Andrew Wilson hinted that Apex Legends Mobile development is under the hood. Well, they also haven’t announced any release date of Apex Legends for Android and iPhone because they want to keep that hidden until the Apex Legends mobile beta version gets ready to play. But considering the craze of battle royale game for mobile in the Asian Market, they will soon make an announcement for the Apex Legends Mobile release.
Well, we know that PUBG and Fornite is still dominated the world for battle royale mobile gaming. It would be hard for Apex Legends mobile version to stand in the mobile gaming industry. But the EA team has guts feeling that the mobile version of Apex Legends Android & iPhone will stand strong in the mobile gaming market.
Do you have any thoughts about Apex Legends for mobile? Did you play Apex Legends? Do you really want Apex Legends for Android and iPhone? Please drop your opinion in the comments.