While Samsung Gear S4 is still in pipeline, the company has recently confirmed the release of Galaxy Note 9, yes you heard it right. The biggest South Korean tech giant may have fortuitously confirmed the release date of Note 9, on August 9. As per the latest new post from the Samsung, they suggested that the company will announce the upcoming device on this August 09 in New York.

While talking about some nifty feature of Galaxy Note 9, the latest Note 9 teaser video stated that the upcoming Note 9’s SPen will sure win everyone’s heart. But, considering the ingenious features of last devices S9 and Note 8, the company will also focus on the camera and AR work. What’s more? Let’s take a look at some of latest leaked Note 9 features!


Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Specs

  • The latest leak says that the company will enable the fingerprint sensor on the front screen display.

  • The display of the Note 9 will look similar to the Note 8.

  • There is also expected that Note 9 will include horizontal dual cameras.

  • You will get upgraded photography with Note 9.

  • The more brightness will come with Note 9.

  • The biggest 4000mAh battery expected.

  • Due to the huge battery, the device may be heavier than compare previous models.

  • There is also huge 8GB of RAM is likely.

  • The device will come with three variants-128GB, 256GB and 512GB.

  • With the Bluetooth support and some advanced feature, SPen will be the highlight of the show.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Price

As for its pricing, the base variant of the Galaxy Note 9 is expected to be priced similar to the Note 8 that is around $950 in the US.

Final Lines

As for now, these were all about the huge Galaxy Note 9. What are you excepting with upcoming Note 9? Do you think it will fill your every wish? If you would like to say anything about the device then you are free to ask below in the commenting section.