If you are interested to know that is going on in the world or searching for interesting videos then Popinmedia is the perfect place for you. Popinmedia has 90,513 subscribers who watch the video every time the user posts it. If you want to become one of the famous people who is known by 90K subscriber then try to post your unique viral posting video on Popinmedia page.

There is some other website which has more subscribers then Popinmedia but here user manages the rural & cultural videos which go more viral are on the first page. Popinmedia creates the attention of the viral video’s maker toward it with some unique viral videos updated on this website and makes the vast majority of people subscribed this channel.

Popinmedia is an intriguing source for those who are interested in making of rural videos or cultural videos because in city life most of the people from all around the world did not see such thing as we do in rural areas. So Popinmedia rural & cultural videos provide a good source in order to entertain its viewers.

Before you go to the video links section of Popinmedia you need to know how you can viral videos, so check out below

How Can I Make My Video Viral In Popinmedia?

1#. Never Pushed You Towards Marketing:

If you have not to work on the topic which runs in trend and trying to focus on marketing with praying then it is useless. Because if you have hard work then hold back in order to wait for the world to see what your present. It is very important that the video content match the topic and also the topic should be related to the trend.

2#. How Internet participates in Viral Videos:

The Internet plays a vital role in spreading your videos to make it viral. You have seen such YouTube videos which are viewed by millions of YouTube users and you think how these people know about that video.

The flow chart does not rise suddenly but it took days to views by millions. You will understand easily with the example which I mention below

First Part:

On a very first part, if you post any video on famous social websites such as Twitter or Facebook and after that, you do some forum posting by social news sites submitting such as Hacker News or Reddit. It is very important that you choose the perfect news website as per topic content. With the focus keyword of that video, you need to post your published link to your friend ID and tell them to share with others. An emailed blogger who covered other video related to your video content. You can even do the Reddit paid off to get on top of the ranking with your video to be viral. After all these efforts you will get around 80K views.

Second Part:

In this step wait and hold yourself to watch the bloggers who see it on Reddit, if your content is strong people with high ranking publication website will approach to your publish video by viewing them and it spread into their giant marketing engine that has millions of readers and followers on social media as well like Twitter. In this way, these giant companies make money by adding their stuff with interesting content material and serve up by one click advertising dollars from millions of viewers. If your flow goes well then you will get around 800 K views which is good progress.

Third Part:

If the giant publisher did their work by taking interest in your video then no one can stop your video to get it on the front page of YouTube. This is not a magic but the Youtube algorithms that pick up your video because of the huge traffic of your video is generated by the viewing of your video by blogs.

You only need to pick one giant website to pay for your video to get viral as I did through Reddit. In this way, you can make the millions of views on your video which become the viral video of the day.

IMPORTANT: If you’re content touches or close to life cycle then your video will be watched for a long time for at least 6 to 8 years.

Example: Medicine for pregnant Dog, Increase hair growth, Windows/MacOS related emulators, updated with trend, GYM Tips, Health care tips and many more.

3#. Perfect Release Date or Day:

It is very important that you should know the exact day to release your video, check which day people mostly viewed the videos on Youtube. As per my research, Monday and Tuesday is the most viewed day where YouTube users are watching the videos for what happens at the weekend. In this way, you will give more time to gain momentum because weekends are speed bumps where most people spend time in personal life.

IMPORTANT: Never release your video on Holiday because people already left their office of time being.

4#. Who wants the piece of Action:

After your video already released people will notice your whole video and click the point where their company room is available and add it to description link in the comment section of your video. Example if your video is related to GYM then people will check whether this viral video includes their brand products such as clothes, pieces of equipment, shoes, gadgets and more.

So catch these people will help you in marketing and viral your video with more opportunity in the future for your upcoming videos.

5#. Strong Contents matters for Video to Viral:

You need to do more study in order to get strong content for making a video. Check out the trend, what is going on these days and how people react on which videos by checking the views and published time duration. If a video is published and within 24 hours it got the K+ views then this video content is strong.

6#. Video is Minimum to cover everything:

If your video is very large with extra works it will not match the viewer need because public first see the length of the video. If your video is around 10 minutes, the viewer would not catch the content of your video or they will forget. It is better to provide the shot video around 2 minutes which covers the content include the main frame of your video.

7#.  Straight to the point to cover story:

Start with your story which connects your current moves with the content such as you like to cook food and topic is about special food treat. In this way, people make a perception about the best chef in town and love to follow you.

Best of PopinMedia Videos

1#. Poppinmedia Compilation Viral Videos

In this PopinMedia video, you will see the different shot video attached and made one media file where you see different most fun stuff. If you like any video scene from this merged video then share in the comment section, so we provide more stuff like this for you.

2#. Video Captured A Dog viciously attacking mail carrier.

This Detroit video goes viral when dog attack the mail carrier, neighbour help the person by trying to stop the dog but why that dog attack the mail carrier. Was he is stealing something or dog sense something danger against him shares in a comment after watching this PopinMedia video?


Final Words:

In this article, we discuss best viral trending funny video website PopinMedia and also learn how you can make your own video viral by some tactic provided in this article. We also add some Popinmedia video which covers the story with strong content as an example and hopes that you get the benefit from this article. If any question related to this topic then share with us in the comment box.