OnePlus 7 Pro just launched worldwide and within numbered days it will available in your hands. Taking a screenshot on the phones is one of the basic features offered by every smartphone. The old-school method of taking a screenshot can still be used on OnePlus 7 Pro. But here, we shall also tell you some other tricks and methods to take a screenshot on OnePlus 7 Pro and OnePlus 7.

It may be taking a screenshot by a gesture or by Google Assistant; recently a new feature was added in Android phones of scrolling screenshot in which you can take a screenshot of a very long document in a single photo. The screenshot is one of the important and basic features in OnePlus 7 Pro. Here, in this article, you will know three different methods to capture a screenshot on OnePlus 7 Pro.

Method 1 – Power Key + Volume Down Key

This is one of the basic and old-school methods of taking screenshots on any smartphone. This method works on any Android or iOS phone no matter what OS is installed on it. Here are the steps to capture a screenshot on OnePlus 7 Pro and 7.

  1. Open the page or screen on the display that you want to as a screenshot.
  2. By pressing and holding down the Power Key and Volume Down key simultaneously, and you will hear the shutter sound along with a mild vibration.
  3. The screenshot thumbnail appears and you shall be able to view a toolbar right down the screenshot to edit or directly share it. It shall be saved in the device storage and will be seen in Gallery.

Important Tip: How to take Scrolling Screenshot in OnePlus 7 Pro

There were the days when you can only take one screen in a screenshot but now you can also get a scrolling screenshot which has been recently added in latest OnePlus devices. It can be used to screenshot a very long webpage or document.

  • When you take a screenshot you will get a scrolling screenshot option icon on the toolbar
  • Click on the icon and the screen will begin to scroll and you can take a screenshot of your desired length.
  • Tap on the screen to stop taking screenshots or when it reaches the end of the screen it will stop automatically.

Method 2 – Three-Finger Swipe Down (Gesture Screenshot)

Gesture features have been in the phone features since a very long while now. So the feature of taking a screenshot with gesture is also available. Follow the simple steps given below:

  1. Open the page or screen on the display that you want to as a screenshot.
  2. Just swipe down with three on the screen or swipe up, it will take the screenshot.
  3. Then you shall be able to see screenshot thumbnail and you can also share and edit the screenshot right from the toolbar option. It would be saved in the device storage and you can see it the Gallery.

Method 3 – Take Screenshot by OK Google on OnePlus 7 pro

OK, Google is an assistant of Google which can be used on Android phones to take a screenshot. Google Assistant can also be used to make a call and set an alarm and all other things. Here’s the guide on how to take a screenshot on OnePlus devices with OK Google.

  1. Just open the page or screen on the display that you want to as a screenshot.
  2. Speak clearly “OK Google, Take Screenshot” then wait and see Google Assistant works for you.
  3. And just like the other method thumbnail of the screenshot will be seen from there you will be share and edit the taken screenshot.

You got to approve the taken screenshot and save it manually.

Final Words:

So these are the best and simple methods to take a screenshot OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro. The phone will soon be available in the hands of the users and we yet to see what are some new features are added in the latest device, so if you want all the latest update about OnePlus 7 Pro, keep checking our site regularly we shall update you with all the major and minor updates.