Converting Mp3 to Mp4 is one of the things many internet users and multimedia agencies need. Having a platform to help them carry out this conversion will go a long way in solving several issues they are faced with. Mp3 and Mp4 are two file formats that are used the most. Many contents like audio, video, images, texts, and other documents that have been downloaded on the internet today are in either of the two formats. A lot of smartphones and laptops support both file formats, but there are circumstances that we might need to convert Mp4 to Mp3. Converting an Mp4 file to Mp3 can be likened to converting from video to audio. One of the reasons might be easy accessibility to the file.

When a file is in an audio format, it is more easily accessible than being in a video format. You can be doing other things in your home and be listening to your audio. Even in your car also, you can be driving and be listening to your audio file, but the same cannot be said of a video file format. You will want to watch the characters in the video, which will require you to be in front of your laptop or your smartphone. Another reason why you might choose to convert your Mp4 file to Mp3 is to save space on your laptop’s memory or your smartphone memory. The capacity of space consumed by a video file format is way bigger than the capacity of space that an audio file consumes. These and some other reasons are why you should consider converting your Mp4 file to Mp3.

Since we know why converting Mp4 to Mp3 is essential. What is left now for us to discuss is how we can carry out this conversion successfully. The purpose of this article is to tell ourselves the process of converting an Mp4 file to Mp3. Converting Mp4 to Mp3 can be done easily on the Evano online software application.


The Evano online software application has been carrying out successful conversion for users. This claim is evident immediately you open the Evano online software application. The number of successful conversions keeps rising every minute. This does not come as a surprise to many who have been using the Evano online software application. Everybody is looking for what will make their work easier and faster. When you find a platform like Evano online software application, where your conversion will be done easily without stress, and your time will also be saved, there is no point stressing yourself anymore.

When you take your time to go through the reviews that Evano online software application gets every day, many people usually say, they did not seek the help of anybody when converting their files on Evano online software application. The user’s face is designed efficiently for all. Ability to read and understand simple English is the only thing you need to convert your files to the Evano online software application.

Another reason to use the Evano online software application is that all files converted on the Evano online software application is free. It means you will be getting quality at no price. With all these features, it is clear that Evano online software application has come to put a smile on the faces of internet users and multimedia industries.

How to convert Mp4 to Mp3

Converting your Mp4 file to Mp3 on Evano online software application is simple and direct. You do not need to register your details first before you start your conversion. You will not be redirected to any page. It is on the same first page you open you will convert your files. To convert your Mp4 file to Mp3 on Evano online software application:

Open the Evano online software application on your smartphone and laptop. The first thing to do, is to choose the Mp4 file you want to convert from your laptop or smartphone. Then, select Mp3 as the format you want to convert your Mp4 file to. Then, you click on ‘Convert’ to convert your Mp4 file. Follow these three steps, and your Mp4 file will be converted to Mp3 easily.